Surabharati Sangeet Parishad | #Best Cultural Examination Board

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Welcome to Best Cultural examination board in India since 1972.

An International Examination Board & University of Art & Culture.


It goes without saying that in the past adequate training facilities were not available in this part of the country to the students and non-students aspiring either to take up courses for obtaining diplomas and certificates or for doing business of their own as a regular profession. To overcome this lacuna, it was considered expedient to start an independent full-fledged training wing to provide necessary training facilities in a real big way to the students to enable them to have an authentic forum for learning and practising these arts under the able guidance of experienced and highly qualified teachers. These teachers have been chosen on merit giving full weightage to their reputation in their respective fields of specialisation.

The work of imparting training has been divided into two distinct categories, one is to cover the classical vocal and instrumental music and classical dance and the other is for folk music and folk dances. Necessary tutorial facilities are also provided to the group of students and individual trainees. The total training period is 11 years and this involves completion of the various grades of examinations by the students, starting from an elementary level to the post-graduate stage. Further-more, there is a regular programme of inviting visiting Professors of great eminence for delivering lectures, providing authentic guidance to the trainees which facility unfortunately is presently not forthcoming in the course of normal routine.

The other distinguishing feature is running a Refresher Course under which teachers working in the affiliating centres of this institution are imparted training based on the latest research and techniques so that they may be able to impart lessions to their students with a far greater professional competence on sound and scientific lines and at the desired uniformity in the standards and forms of teaching.

The Training of Physically Handicapped and Their Welfare

A special weightage is being given to the physically handicapped and disabled persons. They are provided with free training and other essential facilities enabling them to study unhampered.