Surabharati Sangeet Parishad | #Best Cultural Examination Board

(+91) 94 334 65214   |

Welcome to Best Cultural examination board in India since 1972.

An International Examination Board & University of Art & Culture.



1. Any person interested in Indian Art and Culture may apply for affiliation.

2. Application (in prescribed form) for affiliation must be duly signed by the person (in full) who will be acting as Centre Owner.

3. Application must accompany Rs.1200/- along with 2 copies of current passport size photograph of the Centre Owner.

4. Centre Owner will be a member of Parishad with effect from the date of issuance of Membership Certificate (bearing a Centre Number which must be mentioned in all correspondence with Parishad), renewable every year within the month of March on payment of Rs.120/-p.a. (April to March)

5. Centre owner will be required to submit examination application forms along with exam fees within stipulated time (15th of May every year).

6. A Centre owner will be eligible to apply for Examinership after a specified period of performance

7. An institution seeking affiliation must be having at least 50 candidates to appear for examination. In case an institution is unable to fulfill the criteria Centre owner will have to pay an amount of Rs.600/- as Examination Cost (in addition to normal Examination Fee).

8. Parishad reserves full authority to grant or reject affiliation at any point of time due to any kind of negative evaluation .